
The waters street Spoleto- Clitunno Springs-Poreta-Eggi-Spoleto
 easy route

The route is developed in large part on the bike path that ascends the Umbrian valley and GO along the rivers Clitunno and  Teverone .

Temple of Clitunno

country side
The track is completely flat, the mileage of only 25  kilometers and the almost total absence of traffic, in fact, make it suitable for beginners and families with children.

From Eggi to Spoleto , only 8 km !
The route offers several scenic points and cuts across various places of interest both natural and cultural, as the Temple of Clitunno the natural oasis of Clitunno springs, the castle of Poreta, and the village of Eggi .
bike path
Leaving from Spoleto, (as usual, paying attention to traffic), we arrive at Pontebari  where we turn right and take the bike path. Always continue on bike path, paying attention only to some crossings with the ordinary roads, in an extremely peaceful atmosphere along the banks of Teverone and Maroggia. 

Here we leave the cycle path, turn right past the bridge over the river and then continue for several kilometers along the fast track cycling, marked by yellow color destination:  the Temple of Clitunno, whose origins go back between the IV and V centuries, and Clitunno spirings. Here  we find a little fountain on the right so we can drink and where we can stand to recover a bit 'of energy and enjoy the peace and beauty of this natural oasis.

The return is across the picturesque Castle of Poreta , and the little village of Eggi famous of the Asparagus’s festival (end april-may). From Eggi to Spoleto just 8km!

For informations about bikes rental in Spoleto www.giralumbria.com, info@giralumbria.it,   Tel 348.8916928

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